Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I won something!

So my cellular phone provider is always sending out surveys in English to me. Well, I suspect they send them to everybody. I always do them, because I like surveys, and they are online. The Vodaphone surveys are about the only online content in English that I can get with my phone (you can access the internet with you cell phone here in case you are wondering what I am talking about). Usually they give away prizes for filling out the survey - if you are a lucky winner.

Well, I was a lucky winner! I got a cell phone holder with fifty million straps and things so you can connect it to just about anything. It is brilliant red in colour, but the blue-red shade that I like so that's ok. And it is a limited edition holder not available in stores. Wow, lucky. LOL Ok, it's kitschy crap, but I'm just so excited that I actually won something.

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