Saturday, June 11, 2005

Another day in bed

I had a class this morning and I still wasn't feeling well. This student regularly cancels, so I prayed and prayed that the phone would ring and that I could go back to bed. Fate was with me, because she did phone (and not at the last minute as she normally does!) so I could go and hide under the covers. I had to cancel my Japanese lesson as well, but I am hoping that I can reschedule that sometime next week.

Anyway, I spent the whole day in bed. Hiroshi's friend Yosuke came over and I hung out in the bedroom while they drank and gabbed in the kitchen. Such an inconsiderate host ;) Basically I've been sleeping with short periods (30 minutes) of being awake since yesterday morning. And I'm still tired! I guess the good thing about sleeping and having an upset stomach is I can't eat... so I'm "dieting". LOL

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