Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunday - another day of sleep

Another relaxing Sunday for me. Woke up this morning and called home. Talked to my dad for a while which was nice because I haven't for a while. Then I watched the last episode of Amazing Race again with Hiroshi (he hadn't seen it yet). Being lazy, after the show, we ordered sushi for lunch. I love the sushi delivery.

Then we watched a movie and afterwards had a nap. During the movie a big thunderstorm came in - surprising because it hardly ever thunders in Tokyo. And there was a minor earthquake too. Just a bit of a jolt and that was it. I didn't wake up from my nap until after 9pm. Yikes! Another day wasted with sleep. For some reason I'm really tired though. Maybe because I've been using my eye a lot over the last couple days. Basically the only things I managed to do today were put my suitcase away, throw in a load of laundry and do the dishes. Rather unproductive.

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