Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Good company

I met Barb down at breakfast this morning, so we had breakfast together. We decided to go to Phuket Town this afternoon. There is a relatively cheap shuttle from the hotel that drops you off and picks you up a few hours later.

So we wandered off to Robinsons to go shopping, and I tried to find shoes to wear at my sister’s wedding. In the end I only found souvenirs. I also bought another pair of sunglasses – these ones are polarized, so are better for my eyes I imagine. Didn’t find much else. Tried to find birth control in some pharmacies – it is rumoured to be cheap here. No luck on that front. Couldn’t find decent shoes either. Everything was either cheap but poorly made, or expensive PVC. No thanks.

We met the shuttle and came back to the hotel around 5ish. Then we sat in the open air lounge and had a couple beers and chatted away. Such a nice lady. She has offered to show me where to shop in Bangkok! So we’ll meet up in a couple days. That will be great because I hate shopping – especially if I don’t know where to go to get things.

That evening, the hotel had a cocktail party for long-term (ie more than 3 days) guests. We went down and met Don and Theresa, who are from Ireland. We chatted to them for a while. After the cocktail party, they invited us to join them for dinner, which was nice. I had sea bass at Don’s recommendation, and it was just lovely. Very delicious. We had a great dinner, with lots of conversation over good wine. We even met another Irish couple, but they didn’t join us. Apparently the woman is a famous folk singer that is known all over Europe and her husband was a famous radio announcer from before I was born. So I could flaunt having met famous people, but I forget their names. Haha.

After dinner it was back to my room to pack. I’m sad to go. I was having such a nice time. And I have met some really nice people. I'd like one more day so I can go and sit on the beach again. Can’t this vacation go on forever?

Packing my suitcase, nothing seemed to fit in. I can’t have more stuff. I only bought one small bag of souvenirs and that fits into my purse. I just squashed it all in and am praying it won’t pop open again on my way to Bangkok tomorrow!

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