Sunday, December 05, 2004

Trying to Exercise Willpower

I met up with Cal today for coffee to discuss meeting up in China (he'll be there over the holidays as well, but lucky him - he has 3 weeks off). Afterwards we ran around together while I picked up door prizes for my office's Christmas party. At the book store I picked up my Japanese text book, so that was good. And then we hit the electronic store...

Well, I made it away from the iPods ok. Still want one, but now "only" want the 40GB one rather than the 60GB iPodPhoto. And then we went to look at cameras. And there was one heck of a deal on a SLR camera. As in 80% off of it's normal 120,000 yen price! My inner shopping bargain self is still screaming, you should have bought it!!! I could have sold it on Yahoo action and made a profit LOL. I wisely phoned Hiroshi though and he reminded me that I am trying to get rid of all of my print pictures by scanning them onto my harddrive, so why would I get an SLR camera? Good point. But it was such a good deal!

Of course, now I want to get a better digital camera. One with a 10X optical zoom. Decisions, decisions. I'll probably go shopping this week. Of course, how I am justifying a camera, which would cost about the same as an iPod, I don't know. Heh, maybe I'll be irresponsible and buy both. ;) Alas we are back to willpower again...


Lubna said...

Hey Liz
It took some figuring out as to how to post here. anyway, success at last. Cool blog, but there is something about SLR's which drawn me towards them - I recently picked up the best model taht could be made available in India. I actually remembered you today morning, because as soon I can, I shall be meeting a friends friend who has come from Japan on deputation to India. I wonder what the experience will be like for her!

Liz said...

Hey Dusty - thanks for letting me know it was hard to find the comment section. I've renamed the link :)