Friday, November 11, 2005

ex-Christmas tree day

I noticed that my supermarket is playing Christmas music today. My basic response was, "oh, for crying out loud, it is only November". This is actually kind of funny, because November 11th has always been my Christmas tree day. Part of the reason I'm not into it, is because the weather is still nice here in Tokyo - it is hard to think about Christmas when it is still 20C outside.

The other part of it is that I just don't celebrate it any more. They don't celebrate x-mas in Japan (well, they eat shortcake and KFC traditionally - I know that's aweful) and since I am not going home or anything, you just kind of get into the groove of not celebrating. Not being overly religious, the holiday has always had a family meaning to me rather than a religious one anyway. I find it interesting though that something that is such a big part of culture in North America, is something I am not really interested in anymore. I'm just looking forward to having a few days off around the New Year.

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