Saturday, September 13, 2003

It feels like summer here still... well, not still, now. It is really hot! I hate 30 C. Well, if I were still on the beach I'd love it, but when you're running around in dress clothes it sucks.

The vacation glow is starting to wear off. I had an absolutely horrid day today - mainly due to work related muck-ups caused by coworkers. My stress levels went thru the roof. And I could feel myself turning grumpy and it was aweful. I wanted to just slow down and take my time walking so I could regain some non-stressed composure, but I was late, so had to run like a maniac. Argh.

Met Hiroshi after work though and we went to the cheap Italian place for dinner. After getting food in to me I felt much better. The salad was wonderful. Then we had a small pizza with a bit of cheese, lots of mushroms, some squid and ricola (which is an herb, and I'm not sure what the English name is). Hiroshi ordered spaghetti with squid ink - which is disgusting. It is black and icky. I have tasted it once where it was ok, but it tastes like melted Crayola crayons. The two mini-pieces of pizza were enough for me though. Don't know why I wasn't starving. Probably the darn heat.

Ah well, tomorrow I can relax and do nothing with Hiroshi all day. Well, I have to pack for an intensive course I'm doing and go over those materials, but other than that I am free to sit on my butt all day. Hallelujah!

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