Sunday, June 19, 2005

dinner at Jen's

Today we all went to a barbeque at Jen's house. Mom and I picked up Anderson and then met dad at Jen's. We all sat around out back and enjoyed the sunshine. Mike cooked up steaks on the barbeque.

The steaks were absolutely amazing. Oh how I miss barbeque! I told Mike that he has to train Hiroshi when we move to Canada. I want barbeque every day!

Mom let me drive the jeep home. It was kinda funny because I drive like an old lady. I go just under the speed limit, stop before the line at stop signs (yes, not only do I not do a rolling stop, but I also actually stop the car on the line before inching forward!), give myself lots of time to make turns in case I misjudge the oncoming traffic. Feels weird to drive after three years!

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