Monday, September 06, 2004

Shake, Rattle and Roll

So I'm sitting at work last night when all of a sudden things started swaying around in circles... it was a big
, and one of the not nice ones. The ones that move in multiple directions are supposedly bad and this one had about 5 different axes of movement. It as also long. The longest quake I've ever experienced. The first few seconds of a quake are always cool, 30 seconds starts to get scary, a full minute... well, I started to feel a bit nauseous.
Apparently there was another one that was even bigger a couple hours later but as I was on the train at the time, I didn't feel it. Tsunami's were forecast and people were evacuated. Luckily the tsunami were only small... which to me is just weird, because I envision tsunami as being towering 20 foot tall waves.
Anyway, all ok at this end. The big one hasn't hit Tokyo yet. Knock on wood.

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