Saturday, June 24, 2006


So, I have finally gotten around to putting up some entries. I had been holding off because I have an entry about the new IKEA that opened back in April... only I haven't gotten around to actually writing it. So I haven't written anything on the blog. I figured I had better get back into it, and I can post the IKEA thing later.

I suppose the big news is that I have moved into my office part-time. This was supposed to make my schedule less hectic, however, I seem to as busy as I ever was. Something about having a couple free mornings or afternoons a week which seem to be taken up with other work projects at the moment. I am surprised at how little energy it takes to work in the office compared to teaching. I had no idea I used so much energy during my lessons. It is nice to have a bit of both worlds actually because I still like teaching... but the regular hours of working in the office are also great.

Japanese lessons are coming along slowly. I am actually studying between lessons (as opposed to doing my homework just before class) and it is helping a lot with remembering words and speaking a bit more fluently. Things are starting to click a bit better, so that is good. I still can't have anything more than simple conversations, but that's ok.

I had to renew my alien registration card this week. Five years have gone by since I moved into this apartment. WOW! I was surprised at how easy it was. I stopped into the city office, filled out a form and was out of there in 15 minutes. I was wondering what was wrong, because I was expecting to spend the whole afternoon there... then I remembered it was just the city office and not immigration. Immigration being hell on earth because there is only one office for all of Tokyo area now. The city office is a dream in comparison. So that was a relief - I hate bureaucracy.

World Cup is in full swing and everyone is walking zombie in Tokyo. Well, a lot of people are, myself included. The games are on in the middle of the night here so staying up to watch certain teams play is a killer. Everyone is sad that Japan is out of it now, but no one really expected them to make it anyway because of the strong competition in that group (Brazil for one).

So that is the update. Will try to write more often ... and get the IKEA entry up!

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