Saturday, April 09, 2005

Happy 5 Year "Anniversary"

Today marks 5 years that Hiroshi and I have been together. Can't believe it has been that long! The original plan was to go and have a picnic under the cherry blossoms - the same as when our romance bloomed. Okay, that is kinda gaggy. But really, after essentially giving up on him (he totally missed months of flirting) he came to my hanami (cherry blossom party) and things happened.

Anyway, after I finished work I arrived at the train station to find that the train was down -- and it was down for like an hour and a half. So I didn't get home until after dark, which meant the romantic cherry blossom picnic was out. So we decided to tempt death instead and go for fugu. :) Actually, Hiroshi had never had it before - big surprise to me! So it was cool. We had a really nice dinner - due to crazy work schedules we don't see too much of each other. It was good to sit down and be together and talk for a couple hours. And fugu tastes good, so it was a nice dinner.. and we didn't die. So life is good.

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